The size, shape, and color of the external genitalia vary from woman to woman. These variations are further modified by pubertal maturity, anatomic changes resulting from childbirth and aging. Genital cosmetic surgeries are performed for clinical indications like clinically diagnosed female sexual dysfunction, pain with intercourse, interference in athletic activities, previous obstetric or straddle injury, vaginal prolapse, incontinence. Female genital surgery procedures aim to reduce discomfort and create more desirable apperance of genital area. Discomfort with the appearance of genitals leads to anxiety during sexual activity and reduce sexual desire and arousability and cause fewer orgasms and less sexual satisfaction.
Cosmetic surgery procedures for genital area include:
· labiaplasty,
· clitoral hood reduction,
· monsplasty and
· vaginoplasty.
Labiaplasty is the most commonly performed aesthetic genital plastic surgery .
Women want to have labiaplasty for a variety of reasons, Pain from twisting and tugging of the labia during intercourse,or atheletic activities like riding bike itching, irritation and self-consciousness.
A labiaplasty is done to reduce asymmetry when one is longer than the other, or, more commonly, to reduce the length of both labia so that the labia no longer twist, tug during sex or fall out of a bathing suit. Labiaplasty is a procedure that can be done under either local anesthesia or under general anesthesia or sedation. According to multiple studies, labiaplasty surgery is associated with a high satisfaction rate of over 90 percent.
Risks of a labiaplasty?
The risks associated with labiaplasty include bleeding, hematoma and infection. over-resection (some women desire an aggressive reduction but this can result in chronic dryness, scarring at or near the vaginal opening and pain with intercourse.), healing problems ( more likely to occur with a wedge procedure and particularly if the patient is exposed to substances that cause blood vessels to shrink like smoking).
Labiaplasty procedure
The most common type of labiaplasty is the trim procedure, in which the extra tissue is removed and sewn up directly. The other type is the wedge procedure, in which a pie-shaped piece of tissue has been removed. Extra folds of the clitoral hood can also be reduced at the same time of labiaplasty.
Recovering from a labiaplasty
Most patients take a week off from work. Pain and swelling can be reduced by applying a cold pack "twenty minutes on, twenty minutes off." The patient can also lie with her bottom elevated to reduce swelling.
Patients can resume wearing tampons or having intercourse after four to six weeks. Trim labiaplasty generally allows for a quicker recovery.
While the most distorting swelling is gone by 6 weeks, residual swelling may take six months to disappear.
Excess folds of the clitoral hood can be reduced with a clitoral hood reduction. Clitoral hood reduction frequently is done at the time of labiaplasty to reduce the occurrence of clitoral hood sagging after labiaplasty alone.
The extra folds is exaggerated when the labia minora are reduced, and a clitoral hood reduction can improve the balance in appearance of the female genitalia.
Risks of a clitoral hood reduction?
There is a risk of bleeding, hematoma, infection, nerve damage, under-resection or over-resection.
A labia majoraplasty is a procedure to reduce the size of the outer, hair-bearing labia majora.Patients who feel their labia majora are too large or hang down want their labia majora to be reduced. This procedure typically results in smaller, tighter labia majora.
Risks of a labia majoraplasty?
Risks include bleeding, hematoma, infection, scarring, underresection, overresection.
Recovering from a labia majoraplasty
Most patients take a week off from work, Applying ice packs ‘’twenty minutes on, twenty minutes off’’ reduce swelling and pain also lying bottom elevated reduce swelling. Patients can resume wearing tampons or having intercourse after four to six weeks. Swelling after a labia majoraplasty can last 6 months or longer, depending on the thickness of the tissue, although much of the swelling is gone by 6 weeks.
Vaginoplasty is a procedure designed to tighten the vagina. After childbirth, women may complain of vaginal laxity, resulting from stretching of tissues and separating of muscles. Vaginal laxity can contribute to sexual dysfunction. This procedure results in a tighter vaginal canal, which can help enhance sexual satisfaction.
Patients with significant laxity may be better candidates for surgical tightening with vaginoplasty. Noninvasive vaginal tightening through heating tissues with radiofrequency waves or laser are alternative to vaginoplasty for less vaginal laxity suffering patients.
Vaginoplasty can be done under local anesthesia OR it can be done under general anesthesia.
Risks of a vaginoplasty?
Risks from vaginoplasty include infection, bleeding, pain, along with rare complications.
Recovering from a vaginoplasty
Most patients take two week off from work. They may feel a deep ache for the first few days,Patients can use tampon or intercourse eight weeks after surgery . Depending on the amount of tightening performed, some patients may be instructed to use dilators.
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